PC Infinity's Archiver

閒魂 發表於 2008-12-18 14:35

Windows 下的 Firefox x64

昨晚無意中找到的… #ham_sub#


速度上…64 bit 3.1 比 32bit 3.0 快…

From 3.0, Firefox selects jemalloc as memory allocator. The jemallocis original memory allocator for FreeBSD 7 and this is improved forperformance. The 3.0 version binary into [url=http://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Download]Download[/url], jemalloc is disabled because I don't port it.

  3.0 x86 Official vs 3.1alpha2 x64 (w/ jemalloc) [url=http://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Image:X86_vs_x64.png]


  Windows Vista x64 jemalloc enabled or disabled [url=http://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Image:Jemalloc.png]




32bit 3.0[b]  22349.60[/b]ms (Total)
64bit 3.1b2pre  [b]14445.20[/b]ms (Total)

閒魂 發表於 2008-12-18 14:39

亦包括非常重要的 Flash player!#xxx#

但用到的也不少… #ai_yo#

Error_404 發表於 2008-12-18 17:04

無 64-bits Flash ???

kelvinlok 發表於 2008-12-18 17:38

[quote]原帖由 [i]Error_404[/i] 於 2008-12-18 17:04 發表 [url=http://pcin.sytes.net/discuz/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=120822&ptid=2105976][img]http://pcin.sytes.net/discuz/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
無 64-bits Flash ??? [/quote]
linux有, 仲要係alpha版, windows乜都冇

閒魂 發表於 2008-12-18 17:45

我留左言給 adobe #hehe#

x86-64 CPU is released for over five years. Why your company still cannot release a 64bit flash player, what are you all actually doing?

Error_404 發表於 2008-12-18 17:55

反面 佢既 photoshop 又有....因為 $ !

kelvinlok 發表於 2008-12-18 18:01

[quote]原帖由 [i]閒魂[/i] 於 2008-12-18 17:45 發表 [url=http://pcin.sytes.net/discuz/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=120826&ptid=2105976][img]http://pcin.sytes.net/discuz/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我留左言給 adobe #hehe#

x86-64 CPU is released for over five years. Why your company still cannot release a 64bit flash player, what are you all actually doing? [/quote]
佢都痴痴地, 轉x64根本就係trend黎, 整咁多年都未整到(唔整flash player)

herman 發表於 2008-12-18 18:18

flash player w/o x64 really stupid

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