Android Developer Lab (Hong Kong)
Date: March 4, 2010Time: TBD
Registration ends [b]February 1st[/b]
[url][/url] 有性趣 #yip# 76 唔系 DIE HARD WM FANS咩 Android手機程式比賽
[url][/url] Thank you for registering for the Android Developer Lab on March 5, 2010 in Hong Kong. We're pleased to inform that your registration was successfully processed and we have a seat reserved for you.
Date: March 5, 2010 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM 每位參加者都有一部.... 又唔早講#angry# 我個幾月前已經講左幾時deadline #shutup#
不過我個心始終想試下 Milestone #happy# [quote]我個幾月前已經講左幾時deadline #shutup#
不過我個心始終想試下 Milestone #happy#
[size=2][color=#999999]nissin 發表於 2010-3-6 01:52[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]
佢話你唔早講 attend 會有部 N1 呀 根本報名個陣都無人知
不過有留意開都知 Google 出手好大方 #adore#
If you are a journalist or developer who has attended a Google Android event in the last year, chances are you got a free phone. Google started the practice at last year’s Google I/O when they handed out [color=Red]several thousand Google Ion phones[/color]. This was followed by the Sprint Developer conference where Google and Sprint provided [color=Red]500 HTC Heros.[/color]
Earlier this year, Google gave all the members of the press a Nexus One when they announced the device at their headquarters. It was then revealed that Google would sponsor the Game Developer Conference and [color=Red]provide a Motorola Droid or Nexus one to all the developers who registered early[/color].
Today we find out that Google is at it again by providing 70 Nexus One phones to attendees of the London Android Developer Lab. 咁你有無去同有無n1 [url][/url]
只要係android market 有apps >3.5星及5000 download 都會有一部n1或milestone#adore#
我部n1咪係上面張相囉 #ai_yo# SAD..................... 恭喜恭喜