電親個腦 發表於 2012-10-25 21:14
電親個腦 發表於 2013-9-28 22:43
[color=Red]1. 在HCC上的GPU程式性能很令人驚喜,大大縮短了完成項目所需的時間。WCG那邊正在嘗試在GPU上編寫更多的應用程式。[/color]
[color=Red]2. WCG那邊將CEP的結果匯總成了一個網站([url]http://www.molecularspace.org/[/url]), 其中包含很多搜索到的分子。有些分子理論上的光電轉化效率比現有的材料要高一倍,當然具體還是要實測,不過看起來很有希望。WCG的負責人後來跟我說,其 實很多完結了的專案都在科研中產生了很深厚的影響,但是志願者不太清楚,他們覺得這很可惜。比如說有個關於癌症研究的項目,它的結果對於NIH關於癌症的 指導檔有著很深刻的影響,但是大家其實都不知道這個事情。[/color]
3. 為了將這些完結項目的結果和影響更好地展示給志願者,讓他們看到自己做出的貢獻真的改變了世界,還有為了更好地展示新項目吸引新的志願者,WCG方面正在 著手專案網站的改版。新版網站將更加著重於展示專案的科學資訊,讓一般志願者也能明白項目的意義,也提供足夠的深度解讀來滿足那些科學愛好者。他們也在研 究怎麼發揮社交網路的潛能來拉到更多的志願者。
[color=Red]4. WCG大概很快會有新的子專案。在一兩個月以內(也有可能是下個星期),就會有新專案計算程式的Beta放出。[/color]關於Badge,因為很多人藍了,所以正在考慮添加更多的badge,不過因為還有些細微的決定要做,所以還沒那麼快,要稍微等等。
5. 關於網站翻譯的問題,WCG將網站翻譯成了5種語言,包括中文,但在五種語言中,說中文的參與者其實是最少的。WCG的人問我翻譯品質怎麼樣,因為他們是 找翻譯公司做的,所以不是很確定。我說雖然沒仔細看過,但是我覺得還可以。我問他們為啥不找志願者合作,起碼校對一下也好,他們說因為WCG是IBM這種 大公司做的,很多各種條條框框,有些很好的事情都做不了……
電親個腦 發表於 2013-11-10 21:26
Mapping Cancer Markers
Cancers, one of the leading causes of death worldwide, come in many different types and forms in which uncontrolled cell growth can spread to other parts of the body. Unchecked and untreated, it can ultimately lead to death. The disease is caused by genetic or environmental changes that interfere with biological mechanisms that control cell growth. These changes, as well as normal cell activities, can be detected in tissue samples through the presence of their unique chemical indicators, such as DNA and proteins, which together are known as "markers." Specific combinations of these markers may be associated with a given type of cancer.
The pattern of markers can determine whether an individual is susceptible to developing a specific form of cancer, and may also predict the progression of the disease, helping to suggest the best treatment for a given individual. For example, two patients with the same form of cancer may have different outcomes and react differently to the same treatment due to a different genetic profile. While several markers are already known to be associated with certain cancers, there are many more to be discovered, as cancer is highly heterogeneous.
Mapping Cancer Markers on World Community Grid aims to identify the markers associated with various types of cancer. The project is analyzing millions of data points collected from thousands of healthy and cancerous patient tissue samples. These include tissues with lung, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic and breast cancers. By comparing these different data points, researchers aim to identify patterns of markers for different cancers and correlate them with different outcomes, including responsiveness to various treatment options.
This knowledge can help researchers and physicians to:
Improve and personalize cancer treatment: by making it possible to detect cancer earlier, identify high-risk patients, and to customize treatment based on a patient's personal genetic profile.
Accelerate cancer research and improve the overall process for identifying markers: by refining the process of identifying markers, researchers can determine an individual patient's markers more easily, and future large sets of data can be analyzed more efficiently.
電親個腦 發表於 2014-1-22 22:47
Re: MCM Progress Reports
Hello World Community Grid members,
As currently planned, over the course of the project, MCM will proceed in four phases, analyzing a different cancer dataset in each phase. The first (and current) phase is focused on lung cancer. So far, MCM work units have explored the space of lung cancer signatures that are composed of 10-20 genetic markers at a time.
We estimate about 350,000,000 work units in total for the project (counting redundancy) -- about 80,000,000 to 100,000,000 work units per cancer.
We are delighted by the incredible response to this project. Thank you all for making this project possible with your enthusiasm and your donated CPU cycles.
Christian A. Cumbaa
Research Associate
Ontario Cancer Institute / University Health Network
電親個腦 發表於 2014-7-12 23:22
Project roadmap and first phase results from the Mapping Cancer Markers team
電親個腦 發表於 2014-7-12 23:26
Help Conquer Cancer project update
csc 發表於 2014-9-29 20:26
電親個腦 發表於 2014-10-18 20:34
[size=2][color=#999999]csc 發表於 2014-9-29 20:26[/color] [url=http://www.pcinhk.com/discuz/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1115727&ptid=25][img]http://www.pcinhk.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]
電親個腦 發表於 2014-10-18 20:54
新項目- Uncovering Genome Mysteries
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