Dear players![img]http://help.travian.com/images/troops/legati_big.gif[/img]Starting with today an updated CSS and HTML code will be used for Travian. The file size of the HTML code has been reduced by ca. 10% and thanks to the power of CSS is far more flexible giving the creators of graphic packs new ways of enhancing theirs or editing the default pack.
The afore mentioned changes in the source code naturally afflict theold graphic packs and therefore we deactivated them. You should adaptthe graphic pack of your choice before reactivating it or wait for anupdate of the creator to prevent errors in design and layout.[img]http://help.travian.com/images/troops/kundschafter_big.gif[/img]
Furthermore the map has received an update to decrease the loading time. This has been achieved by applying AJAXwhich also enabled us to add a new button to the map: +7. With the helpof this button you can scroll 7 fields in any direction with a singleclick.
Last but not at least we updated the [b][color=#71d000]P[/color][color=#ff6f0f]l[/color][color=#71d000]u[/color][color=#ff6f0f]s[/color][/b] Feature list and added a few recent changes concerning message management.
The Travian Team #sm#冇左外掛好難玩 終於用ajax#photo# 係快左wor#good# [quote]原帖由 [i]ANTI@#[/i] 於 2007-5-31 08:08 AM 發表
終於用ajax#photo# [/quote]
#eh#可唔可以熄鬼佢用番html..... 除左快少少, 有咩特別? #question# [quote]原帖由 [i]咚記[/i] 於 2007-5-31 21:18 發表
除左快少少, 有咩特別? #question# [/quote]
唔多覺#eh# #eh# [quote]原帖由 [i]咚記[/i] 於 2007-5-31 21:18 發表
除左快少少, 有咩特別? #question# [/quote]
一野搞到大部份外掛全部死晒 #ham_sub# [quote]原帖由 [i]nissin[/i] 於 2007-5-31 21:53 發表
一野搞到大部份外掛全部死晒 #ham_sub# [/quote]
唔俾錢就係咁#ham_sub# 睇左d code...
原本用黎搵田的information 原全唔見晒.... #ah#
css同js入面都無 [quote]原帖由 [i]nissin[/i] 於 2007-5-31 22:08 發表
睇左d code...
原本用黎搵田的information 原全唔見晒.... #ah#
css同js入面都無 [/quote]
應該係你可以寫個software問佢#ham_sub# #bc#有咩解決方法#bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##xxx##xxx##xxx##xxx##xxx# [quote]原帖由 [i]馬高仔[/i] 於 2007-6-1 17:16 發表
#bc#有咩解決方法#bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##xxx##xxx##xxx##xxx##xxx# [/quote]
自己寫過#ham_sub# [quote]原帖由 [i]馬高仔[/i] 於 2007-6-1 17:16 發表
#bc#有咩解決方法#bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##bc##xxx##xxx##xxx##xxx##xxx# [/quote]
要學識ajax先 [quote]原帖由 [i]nissin[/i] 於 2007-6-1 06:12 PM 發表
要學識ajax先 [/quote]
味又係 JavaScript #wft# [quote]原帖由 [i]馬高仔[/i] 於 2007-6-1 21:37 發表
味又係 JavaScript #wft# [/quote]
靠你了#smoke# [quote]原帖由 [i]ANTI@#[/i] 於 2007-6-1 10:53 PM 發表
靠你了#smoke# [/quote]
但是....我唔識greasemonkey#giveup# #smoke#得左