ASUS A8N-SLI support 到去咩 speed 既 CPU (max) ?
ASUS A8N-SLI support 到去咩 speed 既 CPU (max) ?& can upgrade to 4gb ram which vista can be used.
[url=][/url] [url][/url]
冇問題 由 Athlon 64 3000+ (rev.E6) 轉去 Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4800+rev.E6
分別大唔大, 藉唔藉得upgrade ? [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-14 00:26 發表
由 Athlon 64 3000+ (rev.E6) 轉去 Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4800+rev.E6
分別大唔大, 藉唔藉得upgrade ? [/quote]
single core--->dual core E + 係唔係好難買 939 果D cpu ?
& 4 gb ram 聽講有D motherboard 認唔晒 ?! 但AMD X2 DUAL CORE ADA4200-DA (939) TRAY HK$ 699.00
咁4800+隨時過千#ai_yo# [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-14 00:31 發表
E + 係唔係好難買 939 果D cpu ?
& 4 gb ram 聽講有D motherboard 認唔晒 ?! [/quote]
上次係正都見到一千零一盒939 cpu ,但係係FX, 貴到#hi# #hi# #hi#
基本上市面冇939 盒裝賣
得早前Jumbo 有4200+ tray 賣(唔知e家有冇貨) oh #giveup# ram 要ddr ? [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-14 00:40 發表
ram 要ddr ? [/quote]
對O:-) S939 4200+ 你早d問我ma,我有fd 放一手貨 今期pcm有 s939 3000+/4200+x2的比較
x2 4200+ 3000+ 升幅
cineBench9.5[1cpu] 1m09s 1m25s 19%
cineBench9.5[Xcpu] 37s N/A
superPI4M 3m28s 4m00s 13%
POV-Ray3.7 6m07s 14m57s 60%
壓1812files [442MB] 43s 43s 0%
photoshop CS3
shapeBlur 13.4s 84.0s 84%
TMPEGEnc4.0 7m09s 14m01s 49% 但你無MB和Ram,可解不轉AM2 [quote]原帖由 [i]紅豆[/i] 於 2007-8-14 07:08 發表
但你用MB和Ram,可解不轉AM2 [/quote]
要轉 motherboard ? [quote]原帖由 [i]紅豆[/i] 於 2007-8-14 07:06 發表
今期pcm有 s939 3000+/4200+x2的比較
x2 4200+ 3000+ 升幅
cineBench9.5 1m09s 1m25s 19%
cineBench9.5 37s N/A
superPI4 ... [/quote]
#adore# #adore# #drool# 最平最方便就換粒4200+ 939,唔夠快就自己超快幾級#yeah#
4G RAM 可以上,但建議插3G好了,64BIT OS未成熟,32BIT 插4G都係得3G 用到#eh# [quote]原帖由 [i]firework[/i] 於 2007-8-14 08:43 發表
最平最方便就換粒4200+ 939,唔夠快就自己超快幾級#yeah#
4G RAM 可以上,但建議插3G好了,64BIT OS未成熟,32BIT 插4G都係得3G 用到#eh# [/quote]
3.5#hehe# [quote]原帖由 [i]kelvinlok[/i] 於 2007-8-14 09:50 發表
3.5#hehe# [/quote]
#wft# [quote]原帖由 [i]firework[/i] 於 2007-8-14 08:43 發表
最平最方便就換粒4200+ 939,唔夠快就自己超快幾級#yeah#
4G RAM 可以上,但建議插3G好了,64BIT OS未成熟,32BIT 插4G都係得3G 用到#eh# [/quote]
可以就咁加到 3 gb ?
即係插多一條 ram 就得? [quote]原帖由 <i>kelvinlok</i> 於 2007-8-14 09:50 發表<br />
<br />
3.5<img src="images/smilies/ipb/hehe.gif" smilieid="66" border="0" alt="" /> [/quote]<br />
I945G 冇REMAPING #sm# [quote]原帖由 <i>herman</i> 於 2007-8-14 14:28 發表<br />
<br />
<br />
可以就咁加到 3 gb ?<br />
即係插多一條 ram 就得? [/quote]<br />
你用緊1G X 2? 係就買多一對512M
買1G X 2就唔保你用到幾多,塊塊板唔同,插卡插多插少又唔見O左D#sm# 可以 4GB , 最好多 1 pair 上行 dual channel [quote]原帖由 [i]Error_404[/i] 於 2007-8-14 15:00 發表
可以 4GB , 最好多 1 pair 上行 dual channel [/quote]
plug 左佢就會自動 dual channel ? [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-14 07:03 PM 發表
plug 左佢就會自動 dual channel ? [/quote]
4 X 1GB ram 吧
用 win2k3 or 64 bits OS 先用得哂 4 GB #hi# 939 4200+ 正刀同 jumbo 有貨呀喂#hi#
正 $650
J $699 #hi# 正刀 in ssp ? [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-15 08:25 發表
正刀 in ssp ? [/quote]
地庫死角位果間#hi# today go cc sin, thx [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-15 10:29 發表
today go cc sin, thx [/quote]
我放工都去 SSP 喎#ham_sub# #wft# [quote]原帖由 [i]月金[/i] 於 2007-8-15 10:45 發表
我放工都去 SSP 喎#ham_sub# #wft# [/quote]
順便幫我看看2600XT AGP出了未好嗎?
thx! [quote]原帖由 [i]紅豆[/i] 於 2007-8-15 14:42 發表
順便幫我看看2600XT AGP出了未好嗎?
thx! [/quote]
返黎先見到#giveup# 在 Photoshop CS3 測試 (2592 x 3872px Raw 轉 PSD 圖片 — 28.7MB):
1. Radial Blur (amount 100, spin/best quality)
298.8 sec (3000+) / [color=#ff0000]104.4 sec (4200+)[/color]
2. 3 filters effect (Watercolor / Paint Daubs / Ocean Ripple)
125.5 sec (3000+) / [color=#ff0000]42 sec (4200+)[/color]
3. Lens Blur (Radius 100)
125.5 sec (3000+) / [color=#ff0000]71.1 sec (4200+)[/color]
#drool# #drool# 換左啦 #giveup#
裝埋 [b]AMD Dual-Core Optimizer[/b] , 可能仲會快dd [quote]原帖由 [i]Error_404[/i] 於 2007-8-15 23:13 發表
換左啦 #giveup#
裝埋 AMD Dual-Core Optimizer , 可能仲會快dd [/quote]
vista need to install ?
C* mentions to me b4 [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-15 11:24 PM 發表
vista need to install ?
C* mentions to me b4 [/quote]
vista 我都裝埋 #369# A64 CPU Driver, for WinXP / Win2k3 only
Dual Core Optimizer (唔知 for 咩 O/S)
[b]AMD Dual-Core Optimizer[/b] - The AMD Dual-Core Optimizer can help improve some PC gaming video performance by compensating for those applications that bypass the Windows API for timing by directly using the RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) instruction. Applications that rely on RDTSC do not benefit from the logic in the operating system to properly account for the affect of power management mechanisms on the rate at which a processor core's Time Stamp Counter (TSC) is incremented. The AMD Dual-Core Optimizer helps to correct the resulting video performance effects or other incorrect timing effects that these applications may experience on dual-core processor systems, by periodically adjusting the core time-stamp-counters, so that they are synchronized. 我睇到D 外國 forum 講 install 左好易同 ms hotfix crash #giveup# 這麼快手買完即裝#good#
我上次買後,擺了六天先去裝#eh# [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-15 23:00 發表
在 Photoshop CS3 測試 (2592 x 3872px Raw 轉 PSD 圖片 — 28.7MB):
1. Radial Blur (amount 100, spin/best quality)
298.8 sec (3000+) / 104.4 sec (4200+)
2. 3 filters effect (Watercolor / Paint Daubs / ... [/quote]
用notebook test 仲快
1. 74.9s
2. 38s
3. 83.4s [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-16 10:17 發表
用notebook test 仲快
1. 74.9s
2. 38s
3. 83.4s [/quote]
你在 XP 定 Vista test ? [quote]原帖由 [i]觀星是答案[/i] 於 2007-8-16 16:06 發表
你在 XP 定 Vista test ? [/quote]
vista ar [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-16 16:22 發表
vista ar [/quote]
notebook 同 desktop 都係 vista ? [quote]原帖由 [i]觀星是答案[/i] 於 2007-8-16 16:51 發表
notebook 同 desktop 都係 vista ? [/quote]
yup [quote]原帖由 [i]herman[/i] 於 2007-8-16 17:51 發表
yup [/quote]
o甘真係要用 notebook 取代部 desktop 啦 #eh2#