Hardware acceleration of DVBviewer in Win7?

I am using Windows 7 and latest drivers of HD3450 has been installed as well as the Purecodec.

However, I still can't use hardware acceleration for DVBviewer as CPU usage is bewteen 50% and 60% something...Does anyone know the solution? Thanks in advance
我估已經用了…以 Athlon64 3000+ 來說,沒用的話會 100%、看不到的…
3000+ 唔用更解, 係唔可能睇高清片的
even Dual core 2.13GHz , 軟解都係快速少少的幻燈片 only

你 O既情況應該已開硬解

But one question is that how come the cpu usage of normal channel is the same as the cpu usage of HD channels

But one question is that how come the cpu usage of normal channel is the same as the cpu usage of HD channels
AlfredChan 發表於 2009-6-13 22:53
O甘咪好 lor