Joker01 | 01.03.07 | | | Me, Geekgrrl, and The Guardian | 14:09:00 | | 
 |  | As you all know, Geekgrrl was kicked from the alliance yesterday by K1ck, who accused her of being a spy. She is my neighbor and good friend. She is not, and was not ever, a spy. K1ck said he had undeniable proof that she was a spy, yet he would not show the proof.
Everybody makes mistakes, but K1ck is unwilling to accept that he may have made one; all he wanted to do was dismiss me with no answers, hoping that I would go away. I have decided to do just that, go away. I'm leaving the Guardian and following Geekgrrl to Lucky7SW. Don't get me wrong, though, K1ck is still a great leader and a good guy; it's just my time to go.
I have no intentions on attacking members of the Guardian, but I will retaliate on anyone who attacks and attempts to farm Geekgrrl as per K1ck's instructions. Sadly, it seems necessary to say that I am not, was not, and will never be, a spy.
I have a couple thousand units spread throughout your villages; you were welcome to keep them for as long as you need them. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an IGM.
I wish you all luck, and I will end by pasting my entire conversation with K1ck about Geekgrrl for your reference. As always, read bottom to top for the correct order:
Good luck,
//start paste
For months now he are playing together here and despite being common knowledge that I am alone on leading 60 persons (eventually 100 with the coming and going...) I never performed an action that may be on prejudice ANY of our players! My goal has been and will be the whole and not the one!
Concerning this subject I cannot go further than I went with you and since I cannot show you proofs, as they are so evident that will compromise my source, I have to ask you to trust me on this one...!
Lucky is not surronding you! Is surronding all of us and so far we have been and will be able to defend ourselves.
If the work I gave so far to us all is not reason enough to be trusted, I will glady handover the leadership to a better person/player!
On this, I just have to ask you to trust me, although I know the option is all yours!
Today, in G SW3, ot tomorrow with you at Lucky, I'll always be here for you!
Understand that I have to close this business here...
Joker01 wrote:
As far as I'm concerned, you need to show your proof because you just kicked out a friend of mine for no reason that I can see. Now not only do I have a friend in a rival alliance, I am now surrounded by Lucky7 people. For personal and strategic reasons, I may have to leave Guardian now.
So no, that's not enough.
K1cK wrote:
So... what is your question?
Better yet let me do a question myself:
- Do you have me as an unfair tyrant that just do things because I like to? Or do you think me better and you consider that I have proofs of that accusation?
Is this enough or do I have to lose more time with this? She's gone and she's dead in a matter of days! Enough?
Joker01 wrote:
That doesn't answer my question.
K1cK wrote:
I hardly think!
I only get sure on things!
Joker01 wrote:
Why would you think she's a spy?
K1cK wrote:
Cause I hate spies!
Joker01 wrote:
Why did you kick Geekgrrl?
K1cK wrote:
'Mornin all,
Both kicked from alliance due to different reasons!
Despite reasons, they are FARMS now!
Cleaning process to continue: 2 more slots to open soon!
Keep it up!
//end conversation |