K1cK | 25.01.07 | | | Read it now or later, but READ IT! | 18:34:48 | | 
 |  | Just take your time as this is important stuff!
- Alliance Strategy for Defense -
Things have been getting hot with attacks (mainly from Lucky and Magnox), although 98% are fakes. We need a coherent strategy that works and is understood by all alliance members, so that we can help each other to survive. This was not discussed with anyone and any help to the plan will be welcome.
We will defend ourselves and support each other.
It is very important that everyone read this and start putting it into practice asap.
Directions for Defending against attacks:
How to build a local defense network.
1. The first thing everyone should do is contact their nearest 5 or so alliance member neighbours and/or allies. Come to an understanding that you will be needing to reinforce one another. If possible, get a couple of these people to be sitters for your account, and get them to let you sit for their account.
The people I sit, gave me permission to log into their account and send myself or others reinforcements - this is the best case scenario of all, because you can always be guaranteed of at least one village's reinforcements.
2. Each alliance member should build a defensive force which can be used to reinforce members being attacked in your area. Suggested size is 400 - 500 defensive units. These can be infantry, because they are to support people not far away from you.
3. When an attack happens, contact these neighbours, and within a short space of time you should have 5000+ reinforcements.
Deprive your attacker of information:
• make sure you have scouts in every village, and enough troops that an attempt to scout you will result in the magical message "none of your troops returned". People are much less likely to attack if they don't know what they're getting into.
Deprive your attacker of loot
1. SPEND DOWN before you log off. If you're going to be offline for several hours, spend down as much as you can - develop your resource fields, build troops, whatever - the point is, don't have resources sitting around, especially in their thousands, just waiting for someone to attack and take them.
2. If you are saving for something big and don't want to spend down, send all your resources to one village, and all your troops to that village to defend them. If your force is weak, ask one of your neighbours to loan you some troops for the night to help babysit your resources. Every night before I log off I send all resources to the village, which is best protected.
4. Alternatively (if you are saving resources for something big) offer them for sale at exorbitant prices. Likely no one will buy them, and they'll be safe from looting. If someone does buy them, so much the better, since the price was really high.
note for these strategies to work you need a large granary, warehouse, and large marketplace
You will find in many (but not all) cases that once an attacker consistently gets nothing from you, he will stop attacking. If he gets resources, he will certainly continue.
Ask for more help
1. First follow the instructions above. You should not send MM’s without first trying to contact your neighbours. It is much too unwieldy to organize defense against every raid centrally - we need to start doing this locally.
2. Post on the MM to ask for reinforcements:
• granary size
• crop income
• summary of attacks so far
this alliance is great - you will get help - but you need to give information upfront so people know what they're getting into.
3. You need to make sure troops don't starve. If you absolutely can't feed them, post a message saying so, and if no-one responds, send some home. It is irresponsible to log off for 10 hours when you only have enough crop to feed reinforcements for 4 hours
If you are willing to help co-ordinate defense in your area please igm me/Ironman with what you have accomplished - who you have contacted to form a small defense cell, etc. If this is going to work we need the co-operation of active players.
I really believe this is a top alliance in how we work together and support each other. I hope we can be more active offensively but whatever happens there, we can accomplish much just by supporting each other more effectively.
Remember we are a Guardian defense cell and besides the troops that MUST stay for ourselves, we do have to get a surplus for outside reinforcements.
Cheers to all of you,
K1cK |
wa.....字多到係中文我都唔會睇 |