發表於 2009-12-3 09:53
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To install the SNMP service in Windows Server 2008, use the Server Manager snap-in to add the
SNMP Service feature.
To configure the SNMP service, do the following:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click
Computer Management.
2. In the console tree, open Services And Applications, and then click Services.
3. In the details pane, right-click SNMP Service, and then click Properties.
You configure the SNMP service from the following tabs:
• Agent
• Traps
• Security
Security Tab
On the Security tab, you configure the following:
• Whether the SNMP service will send a trap to all trap destinations if it receives a request that does not
contain a recognized community name.
• The list of accepted community names.
• Whether to accept SNMP messages from any host, or from a list of hosts by IPv4 address or host
name. |