原帖由 咚記 於 2007-7-8 01:51 PM 發表
駛唔駛幫拖? #vamp# 之前剷爆左佢四塊田
 | stressman | 07/07/06 |
| RE^2: Tengu | 11:24:15 |
 |  | Noproblem - maybe in 10 days I'll be free of the constant attacks and Ican help take him out. It would be my pleasure to crush him!!
Marco12345 wrote:
Yes~ i hit him before
but i need about 10 day before rebuil my troops.later i will later him down~
stressman wrote:
Hey Marco12345,
Tengu just hit my stressman12 village. I see you hurt him badly fairly recently.
I expect his troops to be out for another 5 or 6 hours and then getback. You can have a look at the report on stressman12 to see theamounts, but he's got about 4000 troops plus his hero.
I don't know if you're interested in hitting him again, but I would REALLY enjoy seeing the little guy knocked down... |
我就仲有七日 |