[GBA] VGBA Update

- Fixed immediate argument handling in MSR opcode.
- Accelerated BX opcode.
- Fixed and improved built-in debugger.
- Added built-in configuration menu ([F5]). FIRE-L autofire switch has moved to [CONTROL]+[F5].
- Introduced mode bits and the proper ResetGBA() function (state file format has changed).
- Made VGBA reuse previously allocated memory if the new allocation fails. This should help VGBA-Symbian on the phones with small memory.

VGBA v3.3

Fixed rotated sprite mask rendering.
Somewhat optimized rotated sprite rendering.
Optimized BIOS emulation to use less floating point operations.
Fixed an LDR/STR display bug in the ARM debugger.
Added a universal LoadFile() function.
Rehashed built-in menu options to make them more accessible.
Further extended and optimized Symbian screen rendering routines.
Fixed a bug in VGBA-Windows that started MIDI logging on entering the debugger.
Finally fixed opendir() problem in EMULib-Symbian. All built-in menu file dialogs work now!
VGBA-Symbian application menu is now split into three pages.
Added configurable button and key mappings to VGBA-Symbian.
Added "fill screen" zoom option to VGBA-Symbian.
Added frame rate display option to VGBA-Symbian.
Added MIDI soundtrack logging to VGBA-Symbian (melodic sound only, saved into E:\Sounds and can be used as ringtones).
Fixed and optimized TV scanline simulation in VGBA-Symbian.
Made scanline effect stronger in VGBA-Symbian.

VGBA v3.4

Fixed line coincidence bit not being cleared with each new scanline. This made Treasure Planet dialogs work.
Fixed inline WRdARM() function to read from serial EEPROM.
Fixed a memory corruption bug in the SoftReset() and RegisterRAMReset() routines. Lufia no longer crashes after a quick-save.
Moved FlashROM and EEPROM memory allocation to ResetGBA() where it belongs.
Now preserving debugger breakpoint settings when loading state.
Now locking keyboard processing when inside built-in configuration menu or debugger.
Added GBA-specific debugger view (press [N] in debugger).
Added new, much better, scanline simulation and video softening effects to VGBA-Windows.
VGBA-Windows full-screen mode now runs in 640x480 resolution.
Now switching sound off when entering built-in menu in VGBA-Windows. This mainly affects melodic sound mode (i.e. MIDI).
VGBA-MSDOS now runs in 640x480x15bpp VESA screen mode when -zoom or -tv options used, otherwise it runs in 320x200x15bpp screen mode.
Added new "Fill & Soften" zoom mode to VGBA-Symbian. It is rather slow though.
Added screen orientation and backlight controls to VGBA-Symbian.
Fixed possible source of instabilities in the S60 open file dialog in VGBA-Symbian.
Fixed exit via Symbian-specific menu.
Fixed premature termination of the emulation thread when exiting VGBA-Symbian, soundtrack recording and config saving work again.
VGBA-Symbian signed with a new certificate, as the old one has expired.
