clrmamepro 3.108

added: split rar support ("remove rebuilt source files" removes only first part though")
clrmamepro 3.108a

misc: nodump handling is now locked to 'hide missing', disabled 'create missing' and enabled 'mark no dumps as unneeded'.
clrmamepro 3.109

fixed: a chd can get wrongly parent/clone assigned when parent set got > 1 chds
fixed: rare wrong "Can't remove files from..." message
misc: added warning when a MoveFile operation fails
misc: warnings window's clear option also re-hides the window
removed: nodump handling controls
clrmamepro 3.109a

misc: main button bar remembers focus
misc: set information -> 'unload' (set list) button added
misc: set information -> you can use '%h=1' in 'select sets' to select sets with chds
misc: set information -> you can use '%p=1' in 'select sets' to select sets with samples
misc: set information -> split 'mark parent/clones' to two separated checkboxes
misc: set information -> mark parent/clones checkboxes also affect loading of set lists
misc: don't show warning for clones where all not-parent roms are nodumps
misc: introducing datfile header switch "forcenodump" which can be 'obsolete', 'ignore' and 'required': obsolete = default (nodumps are marked as unneeded, missing ones are not shown); ignore = existing nodumps are not marked as unneeded, missing ones are ignored; required = existing nodumps are not marked as unneeded, missing ones are shown
misc: dir2dat->nodump header options available
misc: allowing empty set definitions (theoretically this allows using of pseudo parents)
clrmamepro 3.109b

misc: first compile in new VS2008 environment with some minor code cleanup
misc: 0-byte rom files are not handled as nodumps anymore
misc: fix dat header includes xmlheader statements (if available in the original dat)
fixed: dat export failed for roms with a not specified crc32
clrmamepro 3.109c

fixed: dat export exports 'flags baddump' in a wrong way which get reloaded as crc 0xf
misc: main window can be put to 0/0
misc: profiler's create doesn't care anymore about exe sharing access issues
misc: minimum OS requirement is now W2k and higher
clrmamepro 3.110

misc: updated unrar.dll which fixes crashes with incomplete split rars
misc: updated have/miss list to handle fake clones, nodump-only sets correctly
misc: update dat dialog is now resizeable
clrmamepro 3.110a

fixed: crash when fixing size of a not compressed rom
misc: some minor internal changes on the window-fits-on-screen test
clrmamepro 3.111

Going 64bit...
misc: several internal 64bit updates
misc: 64bit clrmamepro exe available as separate download
misc: updated updateprogram to pick correct 32/64bit package
misc: updated to latest fully licensed ziparchive non-mfc version & new 64bit unrar dll
misc: remove-rebuilt-source files now works for all parts of a split-rar too
misc: more detailed parse error messages showing the last successfully parsed set
misc: some small internal preparations for upcoming new xml datheaders
fixed: negative windows positions lead to not visible windows
fixed: wrong parser error message when no setformat.xml is available
fixed: new rebuilder destination folder isn't removed when stopping at rebuilder warning prompts
clrmamepro 3.111a

misc: sysinformation and system picker windows now got a cmpro icon
misc: 'checking unknown sets' dialog shows processed filename before working on it
misc: toggling a check box for scan tree update, autoscroll is disabled during update
misc: speed optimized "deeper check for fixable missing files"
fixed: wrong zipclass exception handling may cause crashes when working on corrupt zips
fixed: xml datfile check didn't use the engine.cfg replacement settings (mess import issue)

misc: added another seeking step to find fixable missing roms
fixed: game tags manufacturer/year didn't follow the dtd rules when exporting
fixed: xml datfile detection randomly doesn't work in profiler

fixed: xml export shows a crc=0 for nodumps
fixed: www profile xml creator doesn't include xml dats
fixed: about window frame was wrong
misc: added dtd reference to xml header

misc: reduced database memory footprint a bit
misc: reduced cache file size slightly
added: dat output format selection
fixed: xml header parser only accepted 'forcepacking' but not 'forcezipping'
fixed: bios-only dats can't be loaded
fixed: header element "email" had too many spaces
fixed: wrong "sharing issue" message for some chds
fixed: batchrun - min/max progress window in progress-only mode shows scannerwindow, too
fixed: batchrun - rebuilder progress window assertion when switching profiles
fixed: batchrun - pause value is only kept when hitting ok
fixed: batchrun - "for default setting use" is not initially set
fixed: batchrun - profiles get reset to 'not scanned' when using a rebuilder-only run
fixed: batchrun - profiler doesn't do a refresh when stopping batchrun during cache read or import

added: Logiqx's / NoIntro release/region/language support: Added support for release information in console datafiles. If the datafile contains release information, the user can specify their own region and language preferences. The region and language preferences influence the ZIP names used for merged ROMs. CMPro will choose the most appropriate ZIP names for the user, based on their region and language preferences. Thanks go to Logiqx for the algorithm. De-/Activating regions/languages can be done here: settins->combo box->regions/languages. You can also modify the order there.

added: scanner popupmenu explore -> to either explore/open the belonging rompath or the set itself
added: an ini entry to make f205v and Tauchy happy ;)
misc: moved old option 'decompress rom and test crc32' to compressor settings as decompress files to memory (that's what it actually is)
misc: new Scanner->Checksums->'decompress rom and test crc32' is now exactly what it says and it also checks against header and datfile crc32
misc: rebuilder auto-memory option default value is now disabled
misc: changed orientation of settings arrow buttons
misc: setinfo shows prefered name, changed arrow button orientation, default editbox is 'select sets'
fixed: resource-only dats in deprecated format and without header weren't loaded
fixed: -listinfo dat export misses a closing quote on romof tags with spaces
fixed: fuzzygamesearch scoring algorithm doesn't detect sets with more than one identical crc as wrong named

fixed: set selection crashes (also on profile load)
fixed: scanner checksum check was broken for unpacked sets
misc: missing required (not obsolete/ignored) nodumps will lead to a red profile

added: NoIntro's 1G1R mode (related to the regions/languages modes from 3.114) This can be enabled in settings (for region/language dats only)
added: set information shows set description or optionally set name now
added: Rebuilder Beep() ;)
added: more support for sample-only sets
misc: set information tree is now sorted alphabetically after setdescription (not setname)
misc: renamed "Show All Missing" sets to "Hide Fully-Missing Sets" and inverted the behaviour
misc: sample parents which aren't listed (e.g. MAME's alphamc07) are added as sample-only sets
misc: settings import button is only available for rom/sample paths
misc: reading archives is done in an own thread
misc: hash calculators run calculation md5/crc/sha1 in parallel in 3 threads
misc: chd verifyer runs md5/sha1 calculation in parallel in 2 threads
misc: rebuilding with addpaths doesn't reopen progresswindows per addpath anymore ('minimize & forget')
misc: unneeded check detects sample-only sets in rompath and viceversa
fixed: very poor performance when background tasks exist running in IDLE mode
fixed: xml datfiles which may be parsable with a different engine.cfg aren't listed in the profiler
fixed: datfile's forcemerge mode didn't affect merger
fixed: addpath removes created empty rebuilder destination folder, so following addpaths fail
fixed: xml dats with size="-" are wrongly parsed

fixed: setinformation show setname doesn't show clone names correctly
fixed: sample-only sets appear as missing even when samples aren't scanned

fixed: 1G1R mode uses prefered name instead of standard name for sets
fixed: clearing cache resets profile color even when the dat hasn't changed
fixed: existing nodumps got scanned/checked even if 'ignore' mode is enabled

added: full 7z & rar support for scanner/merger/rebuilder (see docs/packer.txt for details)
added: dir2dat optionally remove extension from setname/description
fixed: can't close scan results window via [x] sometimes after a scan
fixed: wrong 'unneeded fake clone:' message when creating an empty chd subfolder for fake clones

misc: bios sets with given romof tag aren't handled as biossets (aka MAME .126 sfz3ugd issue)

misc: nodump/gooddump clashes within parent/clone relationships can optionally get fixed during parser data clean run
misc: enabled editable labels in setinfo tree (also F2 works then)
misc: 7z/rar multi-file compress functions don't do multiple tool calls anymore but one with "*"
misc: redesigned compressor settings
misc: redesigned batcher
misc: removed usage of packer.ini, use compressor settings instead
misc: dat parser clean up routine detects roms within one set(!) with identical name but different hash value and lets you optionally rename one instance automatically
added: preliminary support for crc less roms (but with sha1/md5) several checks don't work yet but at least they get parsed
added: batcher option for rebuilder destination -> always use the 1st rompath
added: some missing tooltips

fixed: 7z/rar add files was broken for filenames with spaces in 3.116b

added: batcher scanner option: deep hash scan mode (sha1/md5/crc32)
misc: changed the max value for auto-memory functionality to 0 < n < min(max_*available*_physical_memory/2, 1GB)
misc: for name/hash clashes within a parent/clone relationshop you can now choose between: forcing split merge mode and removing parent/clone relationship.
misc: minor correction in dir2dat checkbox layout
fixed: ` in dats (used internally for setsubfolders) aren't replaced with "'"
fixed: 7z/rar adding/removing files fails for file starting with "-"
fixed: dats with "forcepacking modes = no" still create compressed files with fix missing

added: support for CHD regions. Now you can disable/enable subsets of chds. For example you can disable lasterdisks but scan cd-roms, etc. You can enable/disable them in Scanner->Hash & Chd (formerly Checksums...) (at the moment this is only available in xml dats)
added: wordbyteswap operation to xml header syntax
added: new header defintions for n64 (thanks Cue)
fixed: setsubfolder support is broken

misc: minor changes to chd regions layout
misc: compiled with VS2008 SP1
fixed: unneeded test for decompressed sets fails

added: support for disc region tags in -listinfo format
fixed: rebuilder recompress option gets falsely accessible for 7z/rar after some toggle combinations
fixed: unneeded test for inverted crcs fails
fixed: crash during cache load when toggling 1G1R mode
fixed: 7z reader package fails on 7z filesizes ≥2GB<<4GB
fixed: ziparchive package fails on zip filesizes ≥2GB<4GB

fixed: laserdisk chds are listed as unneeded
fixed: main window moves to the top from start to start
fixed: rebuilder advanced auto-memory checkbox doesn't use 1/2 physical available memory limit
fixed: "download all" operations can't be stopped

misc: rar/7z/zip decompress failure lists archive and filename in warnings window
misc: files count operations can be cancelled
added: rebuilder advanced option to additionally check sha1/md5 of possibly existing destination file
fixed: 7z sdk crashes when 0-byte files are found while reading TOC
fixed: failed rar/7z renames aren't listed

misc: missing AV metadata in chds are shown as errors
misc: setinformation 'select sets' supports %B=1 for selecting bios sets only
misc: changed several rebuilder warning texts
fixed: rebuilding uncompressed files rarely creates archived files
fixed: scanner's fixmissing rarely ignores the default archive format
fixed: profiler's hide-common doesn't set the default answer to yes for illegal merges and bad merge tags
fixed: if a removed unneeded file had a valid romname it's not shown as missing
fixed: progress window shrinks magically
fixed: after closing setinfo window you need 2 clicks to reopen it
fixed: misplaced romsets in samplepaths are falsely listed as wrong named
fixed: wrong "fake clone" message for fake clones with chds (mainly for Mac Crossfire users)
fixed: propertypages are shown twice (mainly for Linux WINE users)

fixed: sets with >1 chd list these chds wrongly as missing if chd region type is disabled
fixed: dir2dat cancel doesn't work during a lengthy hash calculation
misc: prefered scanner archive type is detected from rebuilder settings if no sets at all exist
misc: don't allow setinformation load/unload file during an active scan