Just finished the demo, requirement is quite high. I played in 1280x800, medium to high settings, only have 2x fps....
原帖由 神行太保 於 2007-5-18 10:12 發表
e~~ok wor~~haha~開晒得返1x~2xfps~~不過都係lag 少少~~無果時個隻marvel hero~~一開埋光源......變了慢動作~~心想e6600 &7600gt都頂唔順~~唔係ar ma
Not strange... many game now requirement is so high. I use x2 4800+ & 7800GTX, for this game, 1280x800 also 少少 lag. I also tested STALKER, if run in 1680x1050, always under 20fps......